West Perth Local grew out of the strong community feedback for neighbourhood teams raised at the Perth City Summit in 2017. Since our humble starting point we have worked closely with local businesses, the City of Perth and the State Government to build our presence and be a positive, innovative and proactive conduit for improving the suburb of West Perth bounded by the City of Perth.
We are a group of committed volunteer residents, business owners & investors working together to raise awareness of this special place.
Our aim is to create a vibrant environment that residents, workers and visitors recognise as a destination to live local, work well, stay longer and play in safety & harmony with the environment.
West Perth is blessed to contain a diverse residential population, height and a beautiful aspect perched above Perth CBD, one of the worlds largest natural flora & fauna reserves along our entire southern boundary, a rich history of WA entrepreneurial heritage, open tree-lines streets, free public transport and amazing supportive local businesses.
West Perth Local brings together local residents and businesses to develop a better place to live, work, run a business and have fun. It’s about creating more vibrancy and sense of community to our precinct.